October 17, 2012 | Barb Carr

10 Things to Take Out of Your Résumé

It’s a good idea to keep an updated copy of your résumé available, even if you’re currently happy with your job. However, don’t be tempted to include as much information as possible because that can clutter up your résumé’s valuable real estate.

Here are 10 things you can cut out of your résumé, according to an article by Amber Carucci.

References Available Upon Request – If your potential employer is interested in your references, he or she will assume you have them and ask you. Use this valuable space to provide more details on your accomplishments.

Dynamic/energetic/motivated/enthusiastic – Although you may be all these things and more, these words have become cliché. Let them find out about your fantastic personality at the interview.

Microsoft Office – Your potential employer will assume that you are familiar with this program. Focus on your uniquely marketable skills instead.

Objective Statement – Objectives can often be generic statements. You’re better off using that space to highlight your skills and experience instead. However, if you have a specific objective, Carucci suggests you leave it in your résumé.

Experienced – Show, don’t tell! Leave this word off. Instead, note how long you’ve worked in your industry, what specific tasks you were responsible for, how much you increased safety, and any other measurable indicators of your experience.

Team Player/people person/client friendly – Another cliché phrase you can cut. Instead, highlight your volunteer work, leadership roles, groups/organizations you’re involved in, and anything else that reveals your social ability.

Photos – These won’t help you get the job. They can actually hurt you, leaving you open to various forms of discrimination.

High School  Education & Accomplishments – After your sophomore year of college, this information is no longer relevant. Unless you had an amazing SAT or ACT score, Carucci recommends leaving this information off.

Contact Info – Provide only one phone number, e-mail, and street address to keep things simple.

Hobbies/Interests – Rather than waste professional space with your personal details, simply add these items to your LinkedIn profile or bring them up in your interview if you’re especially passionate about them.

Avoiding these space-wasters will streamline your resume and help your potential employer see what a great fit you are for the position at hand.

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