March 26, 2021 | Barb Carr

Rejection or Redirection?

core values

You are worthy of a career and personal and professional relationships where your strengths are valued and celebrated. Carefully evaluate whether or not rejection you experience is really just healthy redirection. Identify your unique strengths and live accordingly. Start with our free personal core values quiz and join me for the Work-Life Balance Track at the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit (join virtually or in-person), June 16-18.

“Personal core values” is a phrase that’s thrown around a lot but what does it really mean? It can be confusing when someone claims certain core values but their choices betray their words as empty rhetoric.

Many people confuse core values with goals, but they are very different. Core values are who we are, and are directive. Goals are what we do or want to do, and are destinations. They are both important, but if we are not setting goals in line with our personal core values, there will be a hollow victory in achieving them.

How are you showing up?

Core values are how you choose to show up in your relationships with others and in your career. A person with a strong set of core values does not have trouble making decisions or taking action because their core values guide them. A person with undefined core values will have trouble making a decision and will consistently second guess his or her actions. In this context, it is easy to see the frustration that will arise if one has not discovered his or her core values.

Are you ready to live a life of intention or are you content just letting life happen?

If you have not taken the time to discover your core values, you are simply a pawn in the hands of those around you. To live meaningfully, you must first decide what is meaningful to you. Most negative emotions arise when our actions are not in line with our personal core values.

Take the Core Values Quiz >>

Learn better work – life balance at the 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit

Career Development & Opportunities, Summit, Summit - Sessions
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