December 2, 2022 | Susan Napier-Sewell

Friday Joke: Let’s Go Shopping with Lisa

It is that time of year again . . . shopping time. What will you be shopping for? Something tech-oriented? Sports equipment or tickets? Clothing? Travel? A new business strategy? (!)

So, seriously, what will you be shopping for this season? And how many people will you be shopping for? Some people wait until the very last minute to try to select what they hope will be the perfect present for the recipient. How many times does that work out to be the best strategy? And if you could come up with an ideal method for gift-finding, what would that look like? Here are some choices — some way-out and some more practical:

  • Make a list of ten items, cut the list into ten pieces, and draw one out of a bowl.
  • If you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or kids on your street, let them make your shopping list for you.
  • Plan a shopping list swap at work: Everyone makes a list and drops their list into a box. At a predetermined meeting date, each person picks one of the lists (note: it cannot be your own) and shops from that list. Here is the fun part . . . you can stipulate that the person does your shopping and then returns the item to you after it’s purchased OR it can be prearranged with the person that you will both shop for each other, keep, and gift what you both wrote.

Okay, you’re on your own now. Have fun!

Image source/credit: Image by Richard Duijnstee from Pixabay.

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