March 9, 2023 | Susan Napier-Sewell

How far away is death? Fairy Meadows Road, Pakistan


Fairy Meadows Road In Pakistan — they say it’s the second deadliest road in the world.

There’s a nearly vertical patch of dirt that is actually a road in Pakistan. More specifically, it’s called the Fairy Meadows Road. This road is only open during the summer months because it gets even more dangerous if it gets wet. A stretch of six miles is exceptionally hazardous. Villagers built the road hundreds of years ago on Nanga Parbat Mountain.

Fairy Meadows Road in Pakistan hasn’t been renovated or repaired since it was built. tells us that the road in Pakistan is 10 miles long and the elevation gain is -8,000 feet. It also informs us about the experience of being on the road: “Starting from Karakoram Highway and leading to the village of Tato, this road may only be 10 miles long, but it is absolutely harrowing. It is narrow (approximately the width of a Jeep Wrangler), unpaved, and unmaintained, and instead of guardrails, there is a multi-thousand-meter drop to the valley below. The road also climbs nearly 8,000 feet in a short distance, meaning much of the drive is composed of frighteningly steep sections. While the Fairy Meadows that await those who make the drive (and complete the rest of the hike on foot) are unspeakably gorgeous, few are brave enough to make it there.”

Content source:, “The 17 Scariest and Most Dangerous Roads in the World,” Kelley Marks, December 9, 2022. 

Image source: Mark Duffel, Unsplash, “Please Stay on the Path.”

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How Far Away Is Death?
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