September 16, 2020 | Marcus Miller

The Secrets of Gaining Management Support for Investigations and Corrective Actions

The 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit is offering an education track focused on investigations and RCA best practices.

If you want to know the secrets for gaining management’s support, consider attending our 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit.

The 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee. Take a riverboat ride in June down the Tennessee River to enjoy the beauty of this eclectic and historic city. Plan a day trip pre-conference to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park or just relax downtown and enjoy the restaurants, nightlife and urban trails.

The Investigations and Root Cause Analysis Track offers presentations that will help you engage and improve management support

We will offer solutions that will give you the ability to continuously improve your RCA program which proves to management that investing in your team has an exponentially increasing payoff.

Additionally, you will learn how to customize reports so your management team receives the data they want consistently. It standardizes concise reporting which eliminates the investigator’s anxiety of guessing what management needs to see so they understand the problems, root causes, and the necessity of your corrective actions.

Remember, root causes are only the absence of best practices or the failure to apply the knowledge that would have prevented the incident. The TapRooT® Summit is the best place to find those missing best practices and knowledge so you can introduce them to your organization to help protect your people, business, and environment.

Learn Best Practices in Investigations/RCA Best Practices

Here are the best practices sessions schedule for the Investigation/RCA Best Practices Track:

Best Practice Session 1

Sharing Lessons Learned:

1) Building a Lessons Learned Program – Matthew Welborn, Westinghouse

2) Using Technology & Webinars to Share Lessons Learned – Bill Hendon, BAE Systems

Best Practice Session 2

Gaining Management Support for Improvement

1) Educating Management & Presenting Your Roadmap to Success – Grant Ireland

2) Change Management’s Mindset with Webinars – Kenn Edgecombe

Best Practice Session 3

Using Causal Factors Worksheet = Stephanie Sardano Tipton, Tim Diggs

Best Practice Session 4

Effective Single-Person Investigations – David Burns

Best Practice Session 5

Crisis Response Using the TapRooT® Software App – Dan Verlinde

Best Practice Session 6

Perform an Internal Checkup of your TapRooT® Implementation – Nancy HItchins

Best Practice Session 7

How to Manage a Major Investigation – John Boyle

Best Practice Session 8

Roadmap to Success

Save the date! 2021 Global TapRooT® Summit Week, Knoxville, Tennessee, is scheduled for June 14 – 18, 2021.

Learn more about the Summit>>

Registration is open>>

Summit, Summit - Sessions
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