August 29, 2016 | Ken Reed

WANTED: New Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting Tables

equipment troubleshooting table

We’re pretty excited about the new TapRooT® VI software service that we released this year. It has some terrific features that are a definite upgrade to the older Version 5 software.

As part of the conversion over to TapRooT® VI, we did an in-depth review of the Equifactor® equipment troubleshooting tables. We found we were able to streamline those tables to make them even easier to use. We dropped some redundant items, standardized some of the terminology, and generally mde them easier to use. Additionally, TapRooT® VI allows you to take the items from the Equifactor® table and drop them right onto your SnapCharT®. It’s a feature we’ve been asked about for quite a while, and the TapRooT® VI architecture finally let us add this enhancement.

I am currently looking for new ideas for tables you would be interested in seeing added to Equifactor®. What general categories of equipment would you like to see developed and added to the system? Some we might be able to do; some aren’t really very conducive to putting into a table format. For example, I was asked to develop tables to troubleshoot PLC problems. While this would be great, there are unfortunately hundreds of different models and types of PLC’s out there, and a simple set of tables would be really tough to do.

Another idea was for hydraulic system troubleshooting. Again, this might be to broad a category. However, I am researching the possibility of doing more specific tables on things like hydraulic cylinders and motors. These might be specific and generic enough that we can put together a useful set of tables.

So what would you like to see? Let me know, and I’ll be happy to take a look.

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