March 21, 2019 | SRaycraft

HelpDesk Humor – Misunderstood Verbal Communication

I heard an old story about a user that was told to make a backup copy of her floppy disk at the end of every day. She did that, but when the IT employee came to check the backups, it turns out she put her floppy disk on the copier and made a copy of the disk each night. She had a stack of paper “copies” in her desk drawer.

That example shows the importance of having good communication and the potential issues that can be caused by ambiguous communication. Misunderstood verbal communication is one item on the TapRooT® Root Cause Tree that helps identify the reason for an incident. Come attend one of our training courses and find out how the TapRooT® process can help reduce the number of incidents at your company.

Software - Technically Speaking
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