September 28, 2020 | Alex Paradies

TapRooT® 7 Secrets of Root Cause Analysis – Free Webinar

What are the 7 Secrets of Root Cause Analysis?

This webinar is about practical root cause analysis tips that are secrets (if you judge secrets by how many people need to learn them). Join my webinar about the 7 secrets on October 27, 2020, 9 am to 10 am EST to find out more.

Who’s Keeping the Secrets?

In over 30 years of human factors and root cause analysis study, we at TapRooT® have learned a few things that everyone should know. We don’t keep these root cause “best practices” a secret, but you would think that we did. Why? Because we find so many “experts” and laypeople alike don’t understand what we see as obvious. So I thought, “Why not share the seven most important ‘secrets’ here?” Then I could explain how the secrets are incorporated into TapRooT®.

How Can the Secrets Help You?

The secrets can help you in many different ways!

  • When you make assumptions about an incident and guess at root causes, your corrective actions are fixing “guesses.” Unlock Secret #1, the key to understanding how an incident occurred without assuming.
  • Even if you are an experienced investigator, your knowledge will only take you so far.  Learn the Secret #2 and stop missing root causes.
  • Are you jumping to “why” an incident occurred before examining what happened? Learn Secret #3 and collect better information.
  • Do you have trouble getting the information you need from investigative interviews? Learn how to get around that with Secret #4.
  • Do your corrective actions often include discipline, training, and procedures? Secret #5 will help you see beyond these three common fixes.
  • Are you experiencing repeat incidents? That’s sometimes an indicator of ineffective corrective actions. Secret #6 helps you stop incidents from recurring.
  • Your root cause system should be flexible enough to scale to the size of the problem and the risk of future accidents with similar causes. Then you avoid spending more time and money than necessary. Secret #7 tells you how.

Improve your Investigations and Develop Better Corrective Actions

Who wouldn’t want to learn all of these secrets? Dramatically improve your investigations and develop better corrective actions.

TapRooT® 7 Secrets of Root Cause Analysis – Free Webinar

Root Cause Analysis
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